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    Labor History Calendar Sept 

    The most important word in the language of the working class is “solidarity.” Harry Bridges
    Labor Headlines

    US labour news headlines from LabourStart

    What Really Went Down at the Teamsters
    AFL-CIO president on Fed cutting interest rates: Measure of relief for working people
    Teamsters won't endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump
    Teamsters: No endorsement for president
    Influential labour union says it won't endorse a candidate for president
  • Communication: An Important Responsibility
    Updated On: Mar 28, 2018

    Communication is said to take place when an idea is transmitted from one point and is understood at another point. It is essential that both the sender and the receiver understand just what is to be communicated. If the sender has not chosen an effective means of expressing his or her idea, nor proper evidence to support the idea, it is unlikely the receiver will accept or understand the message.

    Unions exist to serve the interests of their members. Union offices are elected by the members to administer the affairs of the union. This democratic process imposes upon all union officials the obligation to communicate with the membership on matters that may influence the pursuit of the members’ interests as individuals and as members of the union.

    The members are entitled to know their rights and obligations afforded by membership in the union. The activities of union officers that are directed at the achievement of objectives for the union should be known to the members. All activities of the union should be well-publicized. No union member should be allowed the excuse of, “I didn’t hear or see a word about it.”

    Lack of communication within an organization can seriously weaken unity of purpose and direction, and from this, lower the effectiveness of the whole organization.

    Communication is the means by which we relate to each other. Effective communication promotes understanding, acceptance and action. Ineffective or inadequate communication fosters suspicion, misunderstanding and hostility. Members cannot adopt positive courses of action unless they are informed.

  • American Postal Workers Union National Postal Press Association

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