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    Labor History Calendar Sept 

    The most important word in the language of the working class is “solidarity.” Harry Bridges
    Labor Headlines

    US labour news headlines from LabourStart

    What Really Went Down at the Teamsters
    AFL-CIO president on Fed cutting interest rates: Measure of relief for working people
    Teamsters won't endorse in presidential race after releasing internal polling showing most members support Trump
    Teamsters: No endorsement for president
    Influential labour union says it won't endorse a candidate for president
  • Services

    The PPA was established as an educational organization dedicated to assisting its members with their duties and responsibilities as labor communicators.  For over 50 years the PPA has proudly fulfilled this mission by providing its members with a variety of assistance to meet their needs.  Following is an overview of programs and services:

    • A nationwide communications network. The PPA has a well-established network consisting of local, state, national, retiree, auxiliary publications and websites.

    • PPA Newsletter. This publication provides assistance to PPA members with the performance of their duties as communicators and promotes the goals and objectives of the American Postal Workers Union. All aspects of newsletter publishing from writing and layout to legal issues and suggestions for content are addressed, along with other forms of communication.

    • Reference material.  In-depth material especially prepared for APWU communicators that explains and offers guidance on the subjects of responsible journalism, editorial policies, editorial policy committees, internal union elections, libel, invasion of privacy, copyright, reprints, writing and publication layout/design.

    • Federal Elections, Union Publications and Websites. Updated and published each federal election cycle and available in booklet form and the Members Only section of the PPA website. Covered are federal regulations regarding the inclusion of material in a union publication or union website pertaining to elections for federal office, plus the proper procedure for publishing APWU COPA solicitations. Also included are suggestions for educating members and their families about the candidates and issues in the campaign and techniques for increasing member/family turnout at the polls on Election Day.

    • Advertising for the Union Publication.  Recognizing that some APWU affiliates need to consider advertising to help offset the cost of producing a paper, the PPA booklet Advertising for the Union Publication is a step-by-step guide; from techniques for selling ads, to rates, to ethics, etc.

    • Graphics and labor history material. Posted in the Members Only section of the PPA website, this material is designed to help editors enhance their efforts to deliver the message of unionism and promote the goals and objectives of the union through the use of graphic images and labor historical information.

    • Confidential review of articles. When an editor receives material for the paper that he or she feels may be inappropriate or could be libelous, the PPA president (upon request and before the material is published) will provide a confidential review and offer possible solutions.  This service has successfully helped avoid a number of costly law suits.

    • Assistance with establishing a communications program. Information and individual assistance is available to APWU affiliates that desire to establish a publication or other forms of communication links with their members.

    • Publication critique. Upon request, the PPA provides an editor with a critique of his or her publication. The findings are prepared in a detailed written report with constructive suggestions for possible improvement of the publication.

    • Individual assistance. A widely used service for PPA members and union officers that helps resolve problems or answer questions that arise regarding their responsibilities as communicators or union administrators.

    • Workshops. As part of a continuing educational program, workshops are conducted to help members improve the quality of their publications and keep current on the latest changes and trends in the world of communication, labor journalism and legal responsibilities involved with publishing.

    • Biennial PPA Conference. Instituted in 1966 this intensive four-day event features general sessions, workshops and discussion groups covering a variety of topics; such as: internal communication strategies, mainstream media/ public relations,  publication design, legal issues, photography, labor history, writing, social media, union publication administration, all crafted to help participants improve their communication skills and knowledge about the Labor Movement.

    • Awards program. Established in 1967, the awards program recognizes outstanding work in newsletter production, writing, editing and website content and design.

    • PPA website. With general information about the PPA and the many services it provides, the site features a Members Only section that includes downloadable information for use in publications, resource material, links and a variety of other items of help to APWU communicators.

    • Periodic mailings/PPA email network.  PPA members are kept informed about PPA activities and information of relevance to their duties as communicators.

    Page Last Updated: Apr 06, 2020 (11:16:59)
  • American Postal Workers Union National Postal Press Association

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